The mobile web has emerged as the latest frontier in website development, as more and more users regularly access the Internet on Smartphone’s such as iPhone, Droid and other high-powered handheld devices. In fact, many leading industry analysts project that within a few short years, mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common Web access device worldwide
In order for your organization to thrive on the mobile web you'll want to ensure your site is optimized for handheld viewing with mobile-friendly navigation, screen layout, content and overall design. You'll also want to make sure that your site takes advantage of mobile-specific features and functionality. Learn more about the advantages of a mobile website.
Making the Transition to the Mobile Web
There are a number of methods for mobile website development, and the most suitable approach will depend on your organization's particular needs; in some cases it makes sense for the mobile website to be dynamically generated based upon your existing desktop site; in other cases you may want a mobile site that is separate and managed independently. Whatever the case, we can help you evaluate your options and make an informed transition to a successful mobile web presence.
Mobile Website Features & Capabilities
Mobile web development projects typically cover a range of features, including:
Mobile Applications
Years of Operations
Successful Projects
Happy Customers