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Online Food Catering

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Online Food Catering.

User Features
Development of easily navigable, user friendly website for online food catering
Your own Product Selling system (Shopping Cart) – Sell from Your Website
Unlimited Categories, Unlimited Sub Categories, Unlimited Products
Email Verification before placing the order
Location Wise Delivery Charges and Minimum Order
Multi Payment Options (Cash on Delivery, Credit Card, Debit Card)
Easy account creation
The shopping cart software would let the customer edit their profile which carries important contact information.
The shopping cart would let the users add a new billing method and modify the existing ones. This helps the site in case of credit card failures when a backup card or a PayPal account is used by the customer to complete the order.
Informing the customers is one of the most important things that your ecommerce solution would do. Whether it is when they place the order or when the status of their order changes, your ecommerce system would notify the customer via email.
Product download links in the Customer Area makes it easy for the customers to download at their will.
Product “Email a Friend” links where the customers can send a product link to one or more friends.
Printing of the orders and the invoices would be supported by the system.
Add to Wish list or Save to Cart features that lets the users order at a later date or time.

Administration Features
Mass email feature.
Admin area layout to support more features
Simple banner management system for site banner ads
Feedback management system when you need to edit feedback
Html editor to edit various pages of your site directly
Create unlimited categories and sub-categories too!
Redesigned, secure login/password administration area
Ban/un-ban users by email and ip address
Control exactly who can and cannot sell on your site - even set your site so that by default you are the only seller
Add, delete, reorder categories with ease
Edit member info like address, password, balance, and more
Administrator can change their password at any time
Turn on/off whether inclusion fees are charged
Turn on/off whether selling fees are charged
Member browse feature

Security and Payment Gateway Features
Databases that retain the credit card numbers and passwords for user accounts would do so in an encrypted format.
Throughout the storefront, there would be a robust scheme to validate user input.
Configuration settings for the storefront would not be assigned to every login, but only to one, top level admin
The shopping cart would support offline credit card payment, payment processing by phone, mail, PO methods for the most popular payment gateway.
Built-in support for PayPal, 2checkout.com.


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